Omar SharakiHow I Almost Lost My Company a Major ClientMistake #1: Not knowing what I was signing up forSep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
InCurated NewslettersbyOmar SharakiYou’re Not With Who You’re Meant to Be WithWhy our relationships aren’t special — and why that’s ok.May 6, 20201May 6, 20201
Ina Few WordsbyOmar SharakiLower Your Ambitions, Achieve MoreWhen self-deception is a powerful tool.Apr 7, 2020Apr 7, 2020
Inthe CafebyOmar SharakiLet No One Set Your Bar for YouNo matter how much they believe in you.Apr 6, 2020Apr 6, 2020
Ina Few WordsbyOmar SharakiFeeling Overwhelmed? Remember These Five WordsOne battle at a time.Mar 23, 2020Mar 23, 2020
InLive Your Life On PurposebyOmar SharakiRead Books That Tell You What You Already KnowSometimes taking a step back can get you to where you need to be.Feb 14, 2020Feb 14, 2020